
The Swedish Garden

A place in your city, which brings you miles away up to the North...

Carl von Lineé

The biggest influencer over the history

Sweden is a small country, but plays an important roll in our daily life. The Swedish way of living, thinking and being is something we want you to try, at least for a day.

Learn somthing and meet yourself in another dimension.

Back to the viking time or a sustainable future

Exhibition through the history, modern sociaty, and future smart city. See how Swedish environmental technology and creative thinking can bring us a more sustainable lifestyle.
Something for you

Get your own Swedish Garden

Functional living house, inspiring co-working place, creative company location, smart shopping center, elderly care home, all at Swedish Garden.
Module House Producer
We have the latest technology to produce environmental friendly and durable houses, with woods from Scandinavian forest.
Event Organizaer
Do you know Sweden is the 3rd biggest nation in the world for music production? We have great artists, inspiring speachers, shows to bring to your home city.
Long-lasting Collaboration
We believe the Swedish Garden is a solid platform for more exchange between government, business, culture and educational institutes.